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      FateZ Unturned Zombie Survival

      FateZ Unturned Zombie Survival

      • Sizes: 105.08 MB
      • Version: 0.160
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      FateZ Unturned Zombie Survival
      FateZ Unturned Zombie Survival

      Modified Description

      Zombies will not attack Google Market 1.99 dollars a good game, paid games to play free!


      FateZ Unturned Zombie Survival is an open world survival game with multiplayer and singleplayer mode, based on the low poly style. Experience an amazing adventure, you have to looking for supplies and equipment to being able to build your own base to secure your wealth. How long you will survive?

      ✓ Open world
      ✓ Crafting system
      ✓ Building system
      ✓ Day and Night Cycle
      ✓ Hunger, thirst, diseases
      ✓ Different types of weapons like Melee and Guns
      ✓ Zombies!
      ✓ Planting
      ✓ Multiplayer Soon!

      This game is still in early acces version. Expect more features in the future!
      Feel free to give new content suggestions for the game to be more fun to play!
      Roadmap here! -


      Name FateZ Unturned Zombie Survival

      Category GAMES

      Developer dastrogamesstudio

      Version 0.160

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 105.08 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      FateZ Unturned Zombie Survival
      FateZ Unturned Zombie Survival



      504 Ratings

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