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      Cat Simulator - and friends MOD

      Cat Simulator - and friends MOD

      • Sizes:
      • Version:
      • Update: 2024/02/02
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Cat Simulator - and friends MOD
      Cat Simulator - and friends MOD
      Cat Simulator - and friends MOD


      Play as your favorite cat or dog in this wild adventure!

      NEW: Collect Coins and Diamonds as you Play in our exciting new locations to Unlock new Cats, Pets and Accessories!

      NEW: the more days you have cat simulator installed the faster you collect diamonds and coins - unlock those pets and accessories even faster! up to 5x bonus!

      NEW - Supermarket level - Cause havoc in the supermarket, play with the toys, chase mice, set off the fire alarm, fly on a plane, ride on a trolly and lots more!

      Hundreds of fun interactions in great environments for hours of solid good fun.

      Check out the accessories - hats, helmets, moustaches, glasses and loads more then take a photo and share it on Facebook or Twitter with your friends.

      Realistic and easy to play cat game!

      See if you can get the highest score or unlock all the achievements.

      If you love to play cat game then this is the game for you!

      CATS & DOGS:
      With over 20 pets to choose from there's no end to the fun!
      Free to unlock.

      15 animals friends hidden in the game - can you find and collect them all?


      Name Cat Simulator - and friends MOD

      Category GAMES

      Developer Digital Purchases

      Update 2024/02/02

      Languages English

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Cat Simulator - and friends MOD
      Cat Simulator - and friends MOD
      Cat Simulator - and friends MOD



      717 Ratings

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