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      A Street Cat's Tale

      A Street Cat's Tale

      • Sizes: 22.84 MB
      • Version: 2.6
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      The game has been modified infinite life, do not understand English, Korean or Japanese junior partner is not recommended download.


      Mama cat has gone,
      how is a baby kitten to survive every day on the streets?

      ※※ Please save your game data at the Title Screen
      before you delete the app to change device, or upgrade to Support Edition

      ■ Food
      It's inevitable that most cats living on the streets will starve.
      They often dig through trash to find whatever leftovers they can get.
      Or sometimes eat delicious canned food from nice humans if they are lucky.

      ■ Many NPCs
      Many NPCs with their own unique personalities.
      Listen to their stories, get them what they want and they might feed you.

      ■ NPCs provide multiple endings
      What will happen to the kitty?
      Will the kitty end up living with a human? Or stick to the streets?
      It's up to you to guide this poor kitty!

      *Feemodev donates 10% of the profits from the game to Cat/Dog shelters.

      *Supported languages : English, Japanese, Korean, French, Turkish, Polish
      *Language updated: Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, has been added. (Please understand, that google translator was the best we could do.)

      [Frequently asked questions]

      Q)Why is this game so SAD?!
      Isn't the game supposed to be fun and cute?
      this game is so traumatizing.

      A)This game contains the reality of the street cat's life.
      Of course, the content of the game is somewhat rough or sad.
      And we understand your feeling coming from that.
      but we don't have any plan to change the game or ease the violence because there's a message we wanted to send through this game.
      we made this game because we love cats, not because we hate them.
      I hope that you understand that there are such aspects of the street cat's life.

      Thank you.

      Q)I always get sad endings, how do I get happy endings?
      A) Instead of ending ‘solitude' and 'rainbow bridge'. (Ending 5,6)
      The endings can be seen by achieving an intimacy level 7 with a specific NPC(characters).
      However, you can only see one ending at a time,
      so if you target one character at a time, you'll get the ending you want!

      Q)There's only to ‘drop' or ‘eat' with the item, how do I pick up and give it to the NPC?
      A) If you saw the option to eat or drop.
      it means you already picked up an item.
      talk to the characters and select 'give present' while holding an item.

      Q)The cat is too slow and the hunger shrink so fast!

      A) Upgrading the house will help you.
      Hunger, HP, movement speed increase each time you upgrade your home.

      Q)Where can I get ‘gloves' and ‘band-aid'?
      A) the gloves and band-aid can be obtained from the store near Doggo.
      And they are 50% chance each to get.

      Q)Why do I have to start all over after the game ends?
      A) If the game's over,
      We assumed that you have already finished the game.
      All the progress will be reset except with a house upgrade.
      And we think that it's going to be strange if Everyone would recognize the kitty
      After crossing the rainbow bridge or get adopted by someone. xD

      Q)I want to purchase support edition, can I continue playing with the previous save data?
      A) yes you can.
      Select the ‘cloud' icon on the normal version of the title screen and select 'Save' to save the data.
      Then, select the ‘cloud' icon in the same way on the title screen of the support edition and 'load' the data to play.

      Q)I want to help translating your game!
      A) First of all, we apologize that we were not able to support various languages at present.
      A lot of players have emailed us about language support.
      Until now, we were refusing any supports for various reasons.
      However, since many players have difficulty waiting for translation, we decided In the future, we would like to appreciate and accept the help of language-translation.

      if you want to give us any help for the translation.
      please send us an e-mail to .

      Thank you very much for your interest and support!


      Name A Street Cat's Tale

      Category GAMES

      Developer feemodev

      Version 2.6

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 22.84 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.1+

      Root Needed No Need



      216 Ratings

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