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      Where Shadows Slumber

      Where Shadows Slumber

      • Sizes: 288.41 MB
      • Version: 1.8.6
      • Update: 2024/04/18
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      A small translation error was fixed for all languages.


      Where Shadows Slumber is a mobile adventure puzzle game that takes place in a world that has been plunged into darkness. You will guide Obe, an old man who discovers a mysterious lantern in the forest, on one last journey.

      The only tools at your disposal are your wits and the chaotic nature of the universe. Anything that is not touched by light has the freedom to change. This governing principle will be your guide in the darkness, but also your undoing. After all, if you are not touched by the light, you have the freedom to change as well.

      What will you become?

      = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


      • Easy to learn touch controls let you explore a mystical world from the moment you start playing.
      • Deep, mind bending puzzles using an innovative mechanic never seen before.
      • Eight different worlds, each with their own personality and secrets.
      • A riveting story unfolds as you play, taking you on a journey at the end of Obe's life.
      • Designed for both phones and tablets, the game can be played in portrait mode on any mobile device.
      • We recommend using headphones to get the full audio experience.
      • This is a premium game with no ads or in-app purchases. Pay once and get the full game!
      • No persistent Internet connection required to play.

      Stay in touch and receive regular updates from the creators through the following links:


      Copyright © 2016 - 2018 by Game Revenant Ltd. All rights reserved.


      Name Where Shadows Slumber

      Category GAMES

      Developer Game Revenant

      Version 1.8.6

      Update 2024/04/18

      Languages English

      Size 288.41 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber
      Where Shadows Slumber



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