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      Kids piano

      Kids piano

      • Sizes:
      • Version:
      • Update: 2024/04/18
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      - minor bugs fixed


      Kids piano is a music game for kids of 1 to 6 years old. Our kids game features 5 entertaining and educational activities for toddlers. Our learning game for girls and boys will allow little ones to develop creativity, an ear for music, hand-eye coordination, fine motor and attention. Baby piano is perfect for pre-k, kindergarten and preschool education. It is also suitable for kids with developmental disorders, such as autism.

      Baby piano has 5 activities for kids to choose from:

      Nursery rhymes. There are 8 classic songs for your kid to enjoy:
      - Jingle Bells
      - Happy Birthday
      - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
      - Old MacDonald Had a Farm
      - Pop Goes the Weasel
      - The Muffin Man
      - Wheels on the Bus
      - Five Little Monkeys

      Musical Instruments for toddlers. Children can use a variety of instruments to perform – piano, drums, bells, flute, guitar, trumpet, harmonic and tambourine. Great animations featuring cool characters will ensure an amazing experience for kids ages 2 to 5.

      Sounds for kids. Being not only entertaining but also educational, this toddler activity will allow your child to learn sounds of different animals, vehicles and much more! Baby piano contains 60 amazing sounds for kids across 6 awesome sets:

      - Animal sounds
      - Vehicle sounds
      - Kids’ sounds
      - Robot sounds
      - Alien sounds
      - Environment sounds

      Lullabies. 8 outstanding lullabies will help your sweet child to fall asleep. Let your kid to choose a lovely character to watch them fall asleep while listening to a calming tune.
      Games for kids. 8 educational music games to choose from. Help Bimi Boo in his adventures at different locations. Kids games for girls and boys will help your child to develop love for music. The games for toddlers are perfect for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 year olds.

      Baby piano is a game that doesn’t require Wi-Fi to be played. Both boys and girls will love our baby game.

      Here at Bimi Boo, we strive to provide the best experience for your child. You will never find annoying ads inside our apps. We are always glad to receive your feedback and suggestions.


      Name Kids piano

      Category APPS

      Developer Bimi Boo Kids - Games for boys and girls LLC

      Update 2024/04/18

      Languages English

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano
      Kids piano



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