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      Hanuman Vs Mahiravana Game

      Hanuman Vs Mahiravana Game

      • Sizes: 88.82 MB
      • Version: 1.0
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description



      Mahiravana, a sinister wizard who rules the dark underworld has captured Rama and Lakshmana. Play as the mighty Hanuman, unleash devastating attacks and try to rescue them before time runs out. The realm of the wizard is a maze of chambers filled with deadly enemies designed to confuse any intruder. Can you fight your way to the sorcerer before it is too late?

      - Hanuman can strike with 4 mighty attacks; The Wind Dash, Tremor Fist, Path of The Wind and The Super Tornado.

      - Find hidden treasure rooms filled with gold.

      - Upgrade Hanuman's abilities with special armor and power -ups.

      - Multiple levels with different maps and enemy configurations.


      Name Hanuman Vs Mahiravana Game

      Category GAMES

      Developer hvm movie

      Version 1.0

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 88.82 MB

      Compatibility Android 3.0+

      Root Needed No Need



      1088 Ratings

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