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      Lily’s Garden Mod

      Lily’s Garden Mod

      • Sizes: 166.46 MB
      • Version: 3.10.0
      • Update: 2025/02/27
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

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      Romance? Garden? Puzzles? YES! Lily’s Garden is all this and so much more. Renovate the garden and solve challenging puzzles with this new relaxing and romantic FREE match-3 blast game!

      Help Lily renovate her great-aunt’s garden to its former glory and match flowers to solve challenging blast puzzles. Dig into a romantic love story full of twists and turns as Lily interacts with a cast of colorful characters. Match flowers & start your garden makeover – play with themed boosters & renovate the areas with dozens of customizations options!

      Discover hidden areas and choose among hundreds of flowers for your decoration project! Sit down, relax and enjoy this puzzle game enriched with a beautiful romantic story! Start your makeover now!

      - RENOVATE, decorate and expand your garden with unique locations that tie into the story!
      - MATCH flowers and solve hundreds of addictive blast puzzle levels!
      - ENJOY plot twists in the story and uncover hidden secrets and mysteries along the way!
      - EXPLORE the garden with its hidden objects, dozens of flowers and unlock hidden areas
      - RELAX and live a romantic story with funny and heartfelt dialogue!

      Solve challenging blast puzzles to uncover Lily’s story, unlock hidden areas and decorate the gardens. Relax, sit down, and enjoy this romantic story!

      Flowers are blossoming and Lily’s garden is ready for its makeover! Are you ready to decorate and renovate this beautiful garden?

      Lily’s Garden will be updated with more blast puzzles to solve and more romantic chapters regularly! Already played and enjoyed the game? Stay tuned for updates and drop us a review!



      Name Lily’s Garden Mod

      Category GAMES

      Version 3.10.0

      Update 2025/02/27

      Languages English

      Size 166.46 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      Lily’s Garden Mod
      Lily’s Garden Mod
      Lily’s Garden Mod



      646 Ratings

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