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      AdVenture Capitalist Mod

      AdVenture Capitalist Mod

      • Sizes: 92.95 MB
      • Version: 9.5.4
      • Update: 2025/02/18
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      1. Unlimited Gold 2. Unlimited Tickets *use them even don't have enough


      Welcome, eager young investor, to AdVenture Capitalist! Arguably the world's greatest Capitalism simulator! Have you always dreamed of owning your own business? Being the master of your own destiny?  Forming your own multi-national conglomerate to create a world-wide, monopolistic economy? Then AdVenture Capitalist is the game for YOU!Begin your quest for world domination by clicking on the Lemonade Stand progress bar. Keep clicking until you can afford to pay for more squeezers! Now you’ve got the hang of it. Hire employees, purchase cutting edge upgrades, dominate the market, and attract eager Angel Investors to boost your profits! The only way to go is UP UP UP!AdVenture Capitalist - a strangely addicting idle game.


      Name AdVenture Capitalist Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer Kongregate

      Version 9.5.4

      Update 2025/02/18

      Languages English

      Size 92.95 MB

      Compatibility Android 6.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      AdVenture Capitalist Mod
      AdVenture Capitalist Mod
      AdVenture Capitalist Mod



      1810 Ratings

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