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      King Of Defense: Battle Frontier Mod

      King Of Defense: Battle Frontier Mod

      • Sizes: 177.00 MB
      • Version: 2.0.39
      • Update: 2025/02/20
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      1. Unlimited Gems 2. Unlimited Crystals 3. Unlimited Ancient Coins 4. Paid Heroes Unlocked 5. All Pets Unlocked


      King of Defense: Battle Frontier is a special tower defense game. The combination of turrets improves the tactics for the player. In this game, players can stack the turrets together to create the best strategy for the level.         The kingdom border is alarmed by the invasion of monsters. Join the heroes and warriors of the epic battle to defend your kingdom.         Like other tower defense games, King of Defense: Battle Frontier always emphasizes tactics. A game has many ways to pass depending on the strategy of each person. By the way, King of Defense: Battle Frontier is always new and not boring.- NEW FEATURES:        ★ The turret stacking and combining feature gives players more options for the best tactics.        ★ The systems of heroes and turrets are rich and powerful upgrade. Many options upgrade according to the player's strategy.        ★ Diverse terrains like deserts to jungle and frigid lands. Players need good strategies for each type of terrain.        ★ Diversity of monsters from flying monsters to monsters with special skills.Let's experience the new challenge and unique strategy game - King of Defense: Battle Frontier.


      Name King Of Defense: Battle Frontier Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer GCenter

      Version 2.0.39

      Update 2025/02/20

      Languages English

      Size 177.00 MB

      Compatibility Android 6.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      King Of Defense: Battle Frontier Mod
      King Of Defense: Battle Frontier Mod
      King Of Defense: Battle Frontier Mod
      King Of Defense: Battle Frontier Mod



      1369 Ratings

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