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      Zone Z

      Zone Z

      • Sizes: 75.59 MB
      • Version:
      • Update: 2024/04/19
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z

      Modified Description

      modify the attack speed


      Zone Z is a survival-themed, multiplayer online role-playing game. After the apocalypse, a virulent plague has spread across the lands, and hordes of zombies now threaten what remains of the world. As one of the few survivors, you must persist through this doomsday. Gather resources, build camps, find shelters, drive away raiders – or become one yourself.

      Endure the final days of a cruel and chaotic world!

      Global Matches
      Once you enter a new map, you may encounter players from other regions in the world. Combat or cooperation? It all depends on you!

      Team-up Exploration
      Tired of being alone in the apocalypse? Find other survivors and team up with them! You can form a team of up to 4 players. Find power in numbers and make your name known!

      Building Shelter
      Reach out to nearby shelters or build your own in order to recruit survivors. Build a rapport with players from across the globe, visit each other's camps, help each other in production, meet new friends in skirmishes, and discover your full potential!

      Various Maps and Scenarios
      Forests, mines, swamps… countless scenarios across vast landscapes waiting for survivors. There are rich and vivid earthen surfaces, creating a living world full of environmental and weather conditions. Additionally, you can experience brand-new gameplays in your challenges to larger instances like military bases.

      Diverse Crafting Techniques and Camp Customization
      Gathering resources and materials is only the first-step to ensuring your survival. You’ll need to utilize your limited resources and more than 20 unique workstations to produce the equipment, weapons, and other consumables you require. Freely design and construct your doomsday home, but don't forget to set traps to ward off any would-be intruders!

      Multiplayer Real-Time Combat
      Beware of the other survivors! In doomsday, you’ll have to defeat intruders and defend your territory! Survival provisions drop intermittently at random locations across the map; roll out with your teammates and grab the precious supplies! Or if you’re tired of surviving this way, just become a raider yourself! You can overrun other players’ territories to seize valuable supplies and equipment!

      Other Features
      Death Protection: you don’t lose any of your equipped items when your character dies. As for items in your inventory, you can recover lost packages by returning to your character’s body after respawning.

      Integrated Inventories: during the producing process, you won’t need to scrape together materials from different screens and menus. All materials in all inventories can be directly put into production.

      Vocal Communication System: use the built-in vocal system to chat with your teammates and other players in the same map.

      Emotes System: Not one for words? That’s no problem. Use different emotes to form your unique greeting method.

      Weather System: Day or night, rain or shine, overcoming harsh weather means you’ll need to consider the conditions right down to the equipment you choose before you venture out.

      Longing for a faithful canine companion? Yearning to smash through throngs of zombies with your truck? We’re planning on that. The pet and transport carrier systems are already in-development as features in future updates.

      In the vast world of Zone Z, survival is the ultimate goal of everyone you meet. But how far will you go to realize that goal? Who will you become? It’s the choice that every survivor must make. Good luck!

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      Name Zone Z

      Category GAMES

      Developer KingsGroup Holdings


      Update 2024/04/19

      Languages English

      Size 75.59 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.1+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z
      Zone Z



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