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      Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod

      Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod

      • Sizes: 80.40 MB
      • Version: 1.1
      • Update: 2024/02/01
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod
      Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod
      Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod

      Modified Description



      With the pace of technological development, our lives increasingly rely on machines. But is that a good thing?
      Technology can lead us astray, but it can also be our redemption…
      One day in the distant future, the obsolete household robot Abi finds the hibernating industrial robot DD, and together they escape the warehouse in which they have been locked away. Once they get out, they discover that humans have mysteriously disappeared from the earth. Where did the humans go and what can explain their disappearance? It’s up to you, Abi, and DD to find out.
      In this one-of-a-kind and mysterious world, you will experience:
      -Unique gameplay. Switch between the two main characters and unlock the secrets of this intriguing world by solving puzzles.
      -Stunning artwork throughout, depicting an abandoned yet surprisingly beautiful world.
      -Musical Score by well-known composer creates an immersive experience.
      -A moving and thought-provoking story
      -An intriguing post-apocalyptic journey


      Name Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod

      Category GAMES

      Version 1.1

      Update 2024/02/01

      Languages English

      Size 80.40 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.1+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod
      Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod
      Abi: A Robot’s Tale mod



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