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      Cube Escape: Paradox

      Cube Escape: Paradox

      • Sizes: 95.38 MB
      • Version: 1.1.3
      • Update: 2024/04/19
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

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      When the infamous detective Dale Vandermeer wakes up in an ominous room without any recollection of his past, he soon finds himself part of a bizarre game orchestrated by an old foe. Dale must solve increasingly challenging puzzles to escape the room and recover his memories.

      Cube Escape: Paradox Features:

      - A unique, never-before-seen, game/film crossover experience
      - The absorbing gameplay, atmosphere and wealth of puzzles fans would expect from the tenth Cube Escape game
      - A ton of connections and interactions with Paradox - A Rusty Lake Short Film
      - There will be two different chapters available (one for free and one premium) with multiple endings
      - Beautiful paintings handmade by Johan Scherft
      - Immersive and atmospheric soundtrack by Victor Butzelaar
      - Powerful voice-overs by Bob Rafferty and lead actor David Bowles
      - Supporting 14 different languages

      Cube Escape: Paradox is the tenth episode of the Cube Escape series and a continuation of the Rusty Lake story. We will unfold the mysteries of Rusty Lake one step at a time. So check every day for new content!

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      Name Cube Escape: Paradox

      Category GAMES

      Developer Rusty Lake

      Version 1.1.3

      Update 2024/04/19

      Languages English

      Size 95.38 MB

      Compatibility Android 2.3+

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      Cube Escape: Paradox
      Cube Escape: Paradox
      Cube Escape: Paradox
      Cube Escape: Paradox
      Cube Escape: Paradox



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