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      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod

      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod

      • Sizes: 74.59 MB
      • Version: 1.3.6
      • Update: 2024/08/23
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod

      Modified Description



      War Tactics is a special strategy game with epic battles. You are tasked with recruiting, developing a unique stickman army, and leading them to glory. Explore the endless world and defeat enemies to earn treasures, strengthen your power. You can use a variety of combat tactics, show your smart commanding skills.FEATURES★ 5 classes of troops and many units with a unique appearance, easy to upgrade.★ Fun battles cross realms.★ Customize the squad with many unique tactics.★ Fight with players from all over the world.★ Challenge yourself with lots of different levels and difficulties.


      Name War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer DIVMOB

      Version 1.3.6

      Update 2024/08/23

      Languages English

      Size 74.59 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod
      War Tactics - Cartoon Army Mod



      219 Ratings

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