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      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod

      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod

      • Sizes: 57.52 MB
      • Version: 1.2
      • Update: 2024/02/01
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod

      Modified Description

      *MOD Features* 1. Menu 2. Free In-App Purchase 3. God Mode


      Are you a fan of airplane galaxy shooting games? Do you love a touch of an roguelite experience in a classic game? Let’s try Shootero Classic and conquer the galaxy now!Shootero Classic is an arcade shoot ‘em up game like galaga pixel shooter, presented in a fashionable and stylized design, amazing lighting and special effects. It is not a mundane airplane/space shooter game, but highlighted with a combination of classic galaxy attack gameplay and rogue-lite features. You’ll find yourself addicted to Shootero Classic right away!*GAME FEATURESChoose your fighter ship, starship to build your own space team! Remember to survival! Win tough combats against bullet hell galaga enemies and traps. Show off your skills. Enjoy arcade galaxy shooter game space combat - powered up. Go through the bulletstorm and defeat all enemies; don’t lose though or you’ll have to begin from scratch again!*BUILD YOUR STRATEGYChoose your favorite bullet pattern and build it up in each galaxy battle. +200 different skills for your spaceship and drone aircrafts are available for your tactical strategy setup.The Galaxy's future is now in your hands. Get your ship ready for space attack in this arcade galaxy shooter game.


      Name Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer GEMMOB Adventure

      Version 1.2

      Update 2024/02/01

      Languages English

      Size 57.52 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.1+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod
      Shootero Classic Sky Shooter Mod



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