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      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod

      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod

      • Sizes: 71.18 MB
      • Version: 1.43.0
      • Update: 2024/07/19
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod

      Modified Description

      1. High Cats Speed (Money Earn)


      Get cryptocurrencies and NFT rewards by playing crypto game!✔️ LIS - Substrate Native token which will be launched on Realis blockchain in Q3 2022✔️ The launch of the blockchain is planned for the 3rd quarter of 2022✔️ Conclusions also open in the 3rd quarter of 2022✔️ NFT coming soonThe season has begun in the new crypto game mode "Bingo"Open capsules, get crypto & collect NFT cards!Collect NFT cards and test your luck!????Players will be able to withdraw any of their NFT items to their personal wallet at any time, allowing them to fully own their in-game NFT asset. Merge and collect cute crypto cats, explore exciting worlds and earn crypto and get NFT rewards in the Merge Cats crypto game. Challenge the fascinating world of blockchain!1️⃣Daily Quests.Play every day in a crypto game. Complete daily quests to earn crypto blockchain NFT tokens in a crypto game!Also get NFT rewards for achievements as you progress.2️⃣Daily Capsules.Get free capsules with items every 4 hours. From the NFT capsule you can get crypto and NFT cards with which you can craft super kitties.????3️⃣Wheel of fortune.Get crypto boxes with kitties, increase income or other useful things. Everyone has a chance to win crypto and NFT prizes in the crypto game. Available for free once a day.????4️⃣Get Coins even Offline!You receive income even when you sleep. Earnings stop 24 hours after you quite the crypto game Merge Cats.5️⃣Regular updates with new content.Merge cats, play with pleasure, and while you go through the levels - we are already working on the next.New characters, new levels and mechanics, stay tuned for updates and news in our telegram channel: Realis native token LIS is an analogue of hard currency in traditional mobile games. Through the token, we connect the in-game and on-chain economies and build a flexible system for the redistribution of funds.


      Name Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer Realis

      Version 1.43.0

      Update 2024/07/19

      Languages English

      Size 71.18 MB

      Compatibility Android 6.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod
      Crypto Cats - Play to Earn Mod



      1039 Ratings

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