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      Derby Life : Horse racing

      Derby Life : Horse racing

      • Sizes: 128.24 MB
      • Version: 1.2.20
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Derby Life : Horse racing
      Derby Life : Horse racing

      Modified Description

      Advertising access reward


      ◎ Derby Life : Your Horse Story
      Tired of the city life, you decide to visit your hometown where grandpa lives.
      After reuniting with grandpa, who was running the horse ranch alone, and your old friend, you give up on the life in the city and begin to manage the horse farm.

      Raise horses with your long-awaited friend to race and fulfill your dreams.

      ◎ Features
      ☞ Realistic graphics
      Realistic 3D graphics of horses.

      ☞ Horse raising and farm management
      Horse raising through training, condition management and breeding.
      Upgrade stables, training facilities and more buildings.

      ☞ Colorful horse types
      Running styles: Front Runner, Stalker, Pressure and Closer
      Preferred Track: Grass, Sand and Synth

      ☞ Train your horses
      Increase your horses' Speed, Sprint, Stamina, Gallop and Agility through training and gear upgrades..

      ☞ Participate in races around the world
      Raise your horses to win in races.

      ☞ Breed your horses to birth the ultimate race horse
      All horses have different looks, perks, stats and growth rates.

      ☞ Upgrade horse gear to boost additional effects!
      Obtain various gear from boxes.

      ☞ Upgrade the ranch facilities
      The ranch environment will change with the upgrades of the facilities.

      1. Deleting or switching mobile device will reset the app data
      2. The product contains in app purchase feature. If you agree to make a purchase, you will be billed.

      ▶ Facebook

      ▶ Language : Korean, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Indonesian, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese, Taiwan, Chinese, Turkish, Hindi, Japanese


      Name Derby Life : Horse racing

      Category GAMES

      Developer nexelon inc

      Version 1.2.20

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 128.24 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Derby Life : Horse racing
      Derby Life : Horse racing



      1386 Ratings

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