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      Kitty Letter

      Kitty Letter

      • Sizes: 96.95 MB
      • Version: 0.96.1
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description



      Only one thing can protect you from legions of exploding cats: Vocabulary!

      Kitty Letter is a head-to-head competitive word game where the best linguist wins. Unscramble words using your enchanted language vortex from the multiverse of infinite vocabularinities, collect power-ups from dysenteric deer, and stop your crazy cat-collecting neighbor from destroying your house!

      - Play with strangers or with friends in 1v1 online games!
      - Extensive single player campaign featuring an all-new story by The Oatmeal
      - No collecting cards, coins, or leveling up anything, want to win more? Read.
      - Earn or buy completely powerless cosmetics if you really want


      Name Kitty Letter

      Category GAMES

      Developer exploding kittens

      Version 0.96.1

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 96.95 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need



      1095 Ratings

      Tap to Rate

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