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      Gloom: Digital Edition

      Gloom: Digital Edition

      • Sizes: 189.81 MB
      • Version: 0.32.0
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      Layer unsuccessful event mystery


      Tired of perusing joy and success in your gaming? Have we got the game for you! Gloom: Digital Edition is a dark, macabre game where your goal is to make your family as miserable as possible while bringing joy and good fortune to your opponent's families.

      In Gloom: Digital Edition, you play a series of morbidly humorous negative Modifier Cards on your family members giving them negative Self-Worth points. Such tragedies as "Being mauled by manatees", "Swindled by salesmen" and "Menaced by mice" are "good" for you. And, you play positive Modifier Cards on your rival's family giving them positive Self-Worth points. Good fortune such as being "Delighted by ducklings", "Found fame at a feast", and Blessed by the bishop are "bad" for them.

      Additionally, you can play Event Cards to cancel turns, bring characters back from the dead and other meta things. Finally, when you're "happy" with your family member's collection of negative points, play an Untimely Death, shuffling them off this mortal coil. When an entire family has met their demise, you total up the points. The family with the most negative points wins! Well, if you can call that "winning".


      Name Gloom: Digital Edition

      Category GAMES

      Developer sky ship studios

      Version 0.32.0

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 189.81 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need



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