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      • Sizes: 50.75 MB
      • Version: 5.2
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      MEGA MOD
      Coin 9999


      "Audience's Best Game of the Year 96"
      "Another game of Baklava makers"
      "Phenomenon of 97"
      Beloved ones, welcome to the whole world of "Amirza" fun and entertainment.

      Amirza is a different, fun and incredibly engaging word-style game that invites you to the big, sweet challenge. The aim of the game is to find the words that are intertwined with the letters. In the meantime you have to test your intelligence and eloquence among the elders and the mirza of the arena, from Mirza Delak to Mirza Alam Kharmand everyone. And all your opponents will be tough for you. Over 500 different stages with dozens of funny Iranian characters, fascinating animations, traditional authentic music, spectacular graphics, memorable and native environments will entertain you for hundreds of hours and will enhance your knowledge and knowledge over time. forgave.

      Game Features:
      - Over 800 engaging and varied stages in the main section
      - Challenging daily game
      - Hundreds of completely different stages in Master Mirza's game
      - Funny animations
      - Traditional and authentic Iranian music
      - Extremely eye-catching and native environments
      - Spectacular graphics
      - Over hundreds of hours of play
      - Over thousands of words
      - Increased intelligence and memory
      - Upgrading word knowledge
      - Help improve memory weakness
      - Increased accuracy and tip count
      - Help to improve vocabulary

      Support Email:
      [email protected]
      All intellectual property rights of this product are reserved for Andisheh Ladakh Cultural Institute.


      Name آمیرزا

      Category GAMES

      Developer brain ladder game studio

      Version 5.2

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 50.75 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.1+

      Root Needed No Need



      730 Ratings

      Tap to Rate

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