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      Piano Master Mozart Special

      Piano Master Mozart Special

      • Sizes: 5.52 MB
      • Version: 2.21
      • Update: 2024/04/24
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      Paid for free


      Piano Master is a music game, just follow the notes on the screen and you will be able to play many famous songs.

      This is a special version of "Piano Master", dedicated to Mozart, that includes 21 of his best piano compositions.

      WARNING: this is not for beginners, all the songs are from normal to high difficulty.

      Song list:
      Sonata 8 (3 movements)
      Sonata 10 (3 movements)
      Sonata 11 Alla Turca (4 movements)
      Sonata 12 (3 movements)
      Sonata 13 (3 movements)
      Sonata 16 Sonata Facile (3 movements)
      Sonata 17 (3 movements)


      Name Piano Master Mozart Special

      Category GAMES

      Developer b77 entertainment

      Version 2.21

      Update 2024/04/24

      Languages English

      Size 5.52 MB

      Compatibility Android 2.2+

      Root Needed No Need



      221 Ratings

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