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      Pipa Combate 3D - Kite Flying

      Pipa Combate 3D - Kite Flying

      • Sizes: 25.56 MB
      • Version: 10.0
      • Update: 2024/04/25
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      -mod menu -Speed -pulo infinito


      One of the most popular games in the world now in 3D version and super realistic, in the game you will find:

      - Several kites from various countries, all kites based on real kites.
      - Miscellaneous sports line
      - Art of the balloon / junino being represented
      - Music of the game is at the base of the funk carioca
      - Graffiti art depicted on favela walls

      All this in a favela scene with Christ Redeemer in the background.

      Kite Models:
      Pipa, Peixinho, Raia, Patang, Volantines, Tukkal, Layang, Veloster, GT, Caçadeira, Flechão, Flecinha, Youngwe, Pião Raia, Joystick, Sputnick, Treme Treme, Raia Koreana, Cafifa, Pelequinho, Lápis, Tomawalk, Papagaio, Britt, Arraia Baiana, Caixão, Batata, Chula Kite, Wau Bulan, Wau Kucing, Wau Jalabudi.

      Type Lines:
      Cerol, Chilena, Manjhas, Roca, Manivela, line 10, line 4, line 24


      Name Pipa Combate 3D - Kite Flying

      Category GAMES

      Developer maiworm digital strategy

      Version 10.0

      Update 2024/04/25

      Languages English

      Size 25.56 MB

      Compatibility Android 1.0+

      Root Needed No Need



      1288 Ratings

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