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      Juicy Realm Mod

      Juicy Realm Mod

      • Sizes: 228.38 MB
      • Version: 3.1.2
      • Update: 2024/01/31
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Juicy Realm Mod
      Juicy Realm Mod
      Juicy Realm Mod

      Modified Description

      Improvements 1. Now you will be poisoned only after you stand in a poison pit long enough. 2. In coop mode, the camera will now follow the downed player’s ghost. For easier revive. 3. Now the teammate icon would display more info. 4. Boborot’s shield can now help players to be immune to any damage.


      The Order of Things... Disrupted"Many years in the future, humanity looks upward in despair at plants, now standing atop the food chain. How could they have been so arrogant..."Only when plants began sprouting arms and legs and developing self-awareness did humanity truly begin to understand the menace that these once photosynthesis-dependent creatures posed. No one could understand how the plants took this large evolutionary leap in such a short time, something that took their animal counterparts millions of years to accomplish. One thing is certain, now is the time for humanity to make their stand in order to stay at the top of the food chain.GameplayAs one of the first explorers of the newly discovered plant empire, you must continuously drive deeper and deeper into the enemy's lair. Defeat bizarre and colorful fruits while retrieving new gear, weapons, and resources to defend yourself and expand your base camp.If you're unable to defeat the overwhelming destructive force of the plant army alone, invite a few friends to lend a hand and help you discover the secrets behind this strange new world.Game Features*Roguelike elements with random zones, treasures, and monsters*Loads of special weapons and items*Unique and incredibly detailed art styleTwitter: /@XDNetworkIncFacebook: @XDNetworkIncPress contact: [email protected]©2020 X.D. Network Inc. All rights reserved.


      Name Juicy Realm Mod

      Category GAMES

      Developer X.D. Network

      Version 3.1.2

      Update 2024/01/31

      Languages English

      Size 228.38 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Juicy Realm Mod
      Juicy Realm Mod
      Juicy Realm Mod



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