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      Stick Fight: The Game Mobile

      Stick Fight: The Game Mobile

      • Sizes: 204.04 MB
      • Version: 1.0
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Stick Fight: The Game Mobile
      Stick Fight: The Game Mobile

      Modified Description

      God Mode


      Stick Fight: The Game Mobile is an official stick-fighting game on mobile. Join the hilarious brawler, Stick Fight: The Game Mobile, which is a physics-based couch/online fighting game where you battle it out as the iconic stick figures from the golden age of the internet.

      Stick it to them!
      Challenge friends and Stick Fight fans from around the world. Control the Stick figure to run, jump, and fight. Face off against each other in 4- stick fight free-for-alls! After 9 matches, rank the top of 4. Now with an armory of humorous weapons and 100+ maps!

      Relive the classic Stick figure cartoons with action-packed free-for-all duels!

      - The official Stick Fight game on mobile!
      - Hilarious battles with up to 3 friends!
      - 100 amusing maps, dozens of funny weapons, like guns shooting snakes out, or bomb which blows yourself up, and unlimited ways to die!
      - Make your own maps with the built-in level editor: the sky is the limit!
      - Customize your stick figures with the brand-new avatar store and color system!
      - Brawl online with players from around the world! Download the game and win the glory for your country.



      Name Stick Fight: The Game Mobile

      Category GAMES

      Developer netease games

      Version 1.0

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 204.04 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.2+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Stick Fight: The Game Mobile
      Stick Fight: The Game Mobile



      856 Ratings

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