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      • Sizes: 4.03 MB
      • Version:
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      Paid for free


      MoreQuicklyPanel is a customizable toggle widget at a notification panel.
      More toggle buttons at a limited notification area by multi-paged feature. A page switching animation is cool.
      A status bar icon shows more toggle statuses in addition to a battery level.
      Low battery consumption as a notification widget!
      In v.3.1, added the brightness slider as a popup! Additional popups are coming soon.

      Android 6.0 Marshmallow will be supported soon.
      Android 5.0, 5.1 Lollipop is partly supported. The complete support is coming soon.
      Android 4.4 KitKat is supported.
      Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or later, MoreQuicklyPanel performs full function.
      Of course, supports Android 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Jelly Bean also.

      The best partner of GALAXY Nexus, Nexus 7, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 10 and Nexus 6, HTC One series and Xperia series!!

      * If blank panel is shown, please reduce 'Items per page'.
      * If you like the previous layout and icons, please check [Classic layout].

      - More Quickly access to any toggle from a notification panel.
      - More toggles are placed at the panel by the multi-page feature. The page switching animation is comfortable.
      - You can open settings of Wi-Fi or Bluetooth etc. by sub button below main toggle buttons.
      - New Popup Panel feature is available at some sub buttons.(Brightness slider NEW!)
      - You can customize toggle items to show and its order.
      - You can select toggle icon color.
      - You can customize a color of background and separator.
      - Starts MoreQuicklyPanel automatically at boot time.
      - The icons are blinking while the status are changing. (Wifi and Bluetooth)
      - The status bar icon shows toggle status in addition to battery level.
      - The status bar icon can be hidden. (Only in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich)
      - Collaborate with MoreQuicklyDock.

      19 toggle buttons
      - Airplane mode : Shows & toggles airplane mode. In 4.2 after, opens wireless & network settings.
      - Silent mode : Shows & toggles silent mode. Normal -> Vibrate -> Silent and Normal again.
      - Wi-Fi : Shows & toggles Wi-Fi.
      - Bluetooth : Shows & toggles Bluetooth.
      - GPS : Shows GPS status and opens GPS settings.(Normal apps cannot change GPS status by the system security.)
      - Auto-rotate screen : Shows & toggles automatic screen rotation. You can lock in the current orientation.
      - Accounts & sync (Auto-sync) : Shows & toggles accounts & sync (auto-sync).
      - Brightness : Shows & toggles brightness. Auto -> Dim -> Normal -> Max and Auto again.
      - Wireless & network settings : Opens 'Wireless & network settings' screen. You can toggle NFC etc. from there.
      - Mobile network settings : Opens 'Mobile network settings' screen. You can toggle 2G/3G/4G and 'Mobile data (Data enabled)' from there.
      - WiFi hotspot : Shows & toggles portable WiFi hotspot.
      - Mobile data : On / Off mobile data = data access over Mobile network. Equivalent to [Settings] > [Data usage] > [Mobile data] and [Settings] > [More...] > [Mobile networks] > [Data enabled] .
      - Flashlight : On / Off LED flashlight. You can select external flashlight apps instead of an internal feature.
      - Wake lock : Keeps screen ON with current brightness.
      - Battery : Shows battery level and opens battery status screen.
      - System settings : Opens system settings.
      - Quick settings : Opens quick settings. (Runs only Android 4.2)
      - MoreQuicklyPanel settings : Opens MoreQuicklyPanel settings.
      - Close notification panel : Closes a notification panel.

      The limitation on Android 2.3 and 3.0.
      - The notification panel always closes after touch. Please use the option 'Re-expand the panel'. (2.3 only)
      - An animation of page switching is not supported. (2.3 and 3.0)
      - Classic layout is not supported. (2.3 only)
      - To stay at the top, please hide a status bar icon or place it at the right end. (2.3 only)

      *This Wi-Fi widget only enables or disables Wi-Fi. It dose not care to connect the Wi-Fi access point.


      Name MoreQuicklyPanel

      Category GAMES

      Developer mabware


      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 4.03 MB

      Compatibility Android 2.3+

      Root Needed No Need



      988 Ratings

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