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      Pocketown APK

      Pocketown APK

      • Sizes: 72.22 MB
      • Version: 1.3.0
      • Update: 2024/04/24
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description



      [Brief Introduction]Welcome to the legendary town - Pocketown!! Your will have amazing experience here. Interesting and exciting adventure await for you. In Pocketown, numbers of pets can be captured. Go enjoy the happiness of pet raising and adventures.[Feature]---Collect & Evolve---Numbers of legendary pets live in Pocketown! Start your journey in Pocketown and raise your own pets! Give them your patient love and they will grow and evolve!---Awesome View. Free Exploration---Awesome 3D View.Amazing Scene!! You can freely explore the world of Pocketown. Go adventure and unlock all the hidden secret ! What an amazing journey!---High-Quality Remake---High-Quality Remake! from the Handheld game console. Go remind your memory in Pocketown! You can also make new experience with trainers all around the world.---4 Players Real-Time Battle---Real-Time Battle with your friends. Allow 4 trainers battle at the same time. Go show your strategy and brave! An excellent trainer should lead his pets to victory with good strategy!!


      Name Pocketown APK

      Category GAMES

      Developer petygame

      Version 1.3.0

      Update 2024/04/24

      Languages English

      Size 72.22 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.0+

      Root Needed No Need



      1287 Ratings

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