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      Criminal Case: Save the World!

      Criminal Case: Save the World!

      • Sizes: 72.22MB
      • Version: 2.35.1
      • Update: 2020/11/20
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      : 1, modify the energy and gold lock unlimited, forced to remove the video ad playback. 2, modify the game in the crime scene Game: tips unabated. 3, amend the case analysis time: After clicking the cases analyzed in the lab, you will see displays "Complete" icon, click directly can be done, if done icon does not appear, you need to switch at the big map back to the lab to see. 4, the mandatory use of the stars, and increased rather than decreased.


      Name Criminal Case: Save the World!

      Category GAMES

      Developer pretty simple

      Version 2.35.1

      Update 2020/11/20

      Languages English

      Size 72.22MB

      Compatibility Android 4.1+

      Root Needed No Need



      1862 Ratings

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