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      World Chef MOD

      World Chef MOD

      • Sizes: 75.41 MB
      • Version: 2.7.0
      • Update: 2024/02/02
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD

      Modified Description

      Instant Cooking


      Play World Chef, a game to create your restaurant and cook the finest recipes to attract VIP customers. Exclusive Halloween feature available for a limited time only!

      Do you like exotic food? Are you more of a burger and fries kind of person? Either way, there's a spot for you in the kitchens of World Chef, the most international cooking game, with chefs and recipes from over 20 nationalities!

      World Chef is a happy place where the kitchen never closes, the waiter always has a big smile on his face and the food is so great you should probably play with a bib on.

      Open your restaurant, give it a name and decorate it to your taste! Then start cooking world cuisines and serving customers! Your place will soon become so popular you'll have to make it bigger!

      Expand your menu with every new international chef: Tacos, pizza, sushi,... The whole world can fit inside one restaurant! The success ladder will lead you to welcoming VIP diners and even catering special events! You will soon master the art of running a top restaurant.

      And remember! This is not a fast food joint, take your time to slow-cook your best recipes. Your customers know they will be worth the waiting.


      Create, decorate and run your own fine dining restaurant!
      Craft exclusive decorations at the Design Studio.
      Buy and trade fresh ingredients and cook increasingly delicious dishes.
      Build yourself a dock, get a boat and start importing exotic ingredients!
      Serve your finest cuisine to customers from all around the world.
      Increase your popularity and see how all the VIPs become regulars!


      Name World Chef MOD

      Category GAMES

      Developer Socialpoint

      Version 2.7.0

      Update 2024/02/02

      Languages English

      Size 75.41 MB

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD
      World Chef MOD



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