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      Weapon Heroes : Infinity Forge MOD

      Weapon Heroes : Infinity Forge MOD

      • Sizes: 77.33 MB
      • Version: 0.9.042
      • Update: 2024/02/02
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Weapon Heroes : Infinity Forge MOD

      Modified Description

      1. Auto Merge 2. Higher Money drop 3. Higher Soul drop


      Make weapons! Synthetic weapons! Collect weapons!
      An expert on ironing! The mercenaries attracted by the blacksmith's weapons are all here!

      Will the weapon glowing in your hand be? !
      Blacksmith mercenary battle begins! ! !

      ■ Game features
      ☆ My iron hitting will never stop!
      Use simple operations to synthesize and equip the equipment obtained by automatic ironing to complete the battle preparation!
      The mercenary group's automatic battles are endless and nightless!

      ☆ Collect more than 50 sprite weapons with different characteristics! !
      More than 50 elven weapons have unique skills and effects!
      According to the situation, use the appropriate elven weapon to fight efficiently!

      ☆ A variety of weapon development methods! !
      upgrade! strengthen! Beyond! Cultivate weapons through various reinforcement methods!
      As you develop, there will be more powerful BUFF and weapon effects!

      ☆ The black mine flame that never goes out!
      Beat the hard black minerals to get the obsidian needed for strengthening,
      You can also measure the combat power through the options! !

      ☆ Be stronger by rebirth!
      Strengthen the soul level of weapons with the materials obtained through rebirth!
      Go to the rebirth level and you will see yourself become stronger!

      ☆ Chaos maze, destroy the terrible boss!
      Defeat the Boss waiting for you in the maze of chaos, collect various materials and props!
      When defeating Boss monsters, you can get powerful legendary relics!

      ☆ Research system for efficient iron punching!
      The basis for generating weapons! Please do research to make iron making more efficient!
      The permanently applicable ability value will increase the speed of collecting heroes' elven weapons!

      ☆ The placement type will also start PvP!
      How powerful is the equipment you made yourself, it's time to verify!
      Show off your power through the Arena PVP fighting with other mercenary adults!


      Name Weapon Heroes : Infinity Forge MOD

      Category GAMES

      Developer Gamepub

      Version 0.9.042

      Update 2024/02/02

      Languages English

      Size 77.33 MB

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Weapon Heroes : Infinity Forge MOD



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