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      Nihilumbra Mod

      Nihilumbra Mod

      • Sizes: 219.70 MB
      • Version: 3.0
      • Update: 2024/01/31
      Install by Panda Helper

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      Nihilumbra Mod
      Nihilumbra Mod

      Modified Description

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      Discover the beautiful world of Nihilumbra and join Born on his adventure to find himself whilst trying to escape from his inevitable curse. 
      Born was created from the absolute nothingness: The Void. But somehow he separates himself from the black emptiness and appears in the world. This is where his long odyssey begins, in which he will learn how to use the colors around him to gain powerful abilities and transform the world.

      However, his experiences come at a high price. The Void must be one. It seeks to reclaim him and will never stop chasing him, destroying everything in its path along the way. 
      To survive, Born will have to condemn the earth he walks to its inevitable obliteration by The Void...


      - More than 10 hours of gameplay. 

      - “Old school” playability inspired by classic games but redesigned for tactile devices. 

      - The ability to change ground physics using five different colors. 

      - Use five worlds as your canvas and transform them at your will. 

      - Two different control schemes: Classic buttons or tilting sensor. 

      - Original soundtrack composed by Álvaro Lafuente. Headphones recommended. 

      - Unlockable surprise on completion of the game. Replayability assured.

      *You can play until world 2 for free (a total of 12 levels), then you can purchase the full version of the game within the app*

      Hardware requirements: It's advised to have a graphics score higher than 2000 in the "Ice Storm Unlimited" benchmark. You can check devices' scores at


      Name Nihilumbra Mod

      Category GAMES

      Version 3.0

      Update 2024/01/31

      Languages English

      Size 219.70 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Nihilumbra Mod
      Nihilumbra Mod



      1379 Ratings

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