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      The Big Capitalist

      The Big Capitalist

      • Sizes: 37.18 MB
      • Version: 1.3.7
      • Update: 2024/04/22
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      Mod Money


      Welcome to The Big Capitalist, our Young & Ambitious business investors!
      You are in the right place to fulfill your craving of establishing and expanding businesses, and to become the world greatest capitalist!

      Start your worldwide monopoly enterprise from the most basic product - wheat. You can accumulate capitals by clicking to produce more wheat, and by investing your money to other industries.

      In this idle game, the only thing you need to do is clicking, clicking, clicking, and then watching your capital growing rapidly.

      *Yes, it’s your chance to pay less and win the world!*

      There will be more opportunities and challenges waiting for you in Big Capitalist! You can hire managers to help administrating businesses, or introduce new technologies to boost profits; and more to discover!

      To be the Oil Tycoon or Federal President? That’s not a question! With Big Capitalist, you can dream big to win big, and take the world in your hand!


      Name The Big Capitalist

      Category GAMES

      Developer Broken Reality

      Version 1.3.7

      Update 2024/04/22

      Languages English

      Size 37.18 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.1+

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      The Big Capitalist
      The Big Capitalist
      The Big Capitalist
      The Big Capitalist



      205 Ratings

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