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      The Fishercat

      The Fishercat

      • Sizes: 79.52 MB
      • Version: 4.1.2
      • Update: 2024/04/25
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      - Unlimited Oxygen
      - Unlimited Money
      - Unlimited Gear
      - All Fishes


      ★ Become a cat and harpoon fish! ★
      You can use a variety of harpoons and items to maximize your fishing experience. As a cat.
      Start your adventure as a cat now and fish'em all!

      =Very Simple Control=
      Drag to aim, and then shoot a harpoon to catch fish in this shooting game.
      =Thrilling Action=
      Follow and hit fish that constantly move, just like fishing in real life. Go fisher, go cats!
      =Hundreds of Rare Fish=
      Go out for fishing and collect over 150 different kinds of fish.
      =Cool Fish Vessels and Seas=
      Set out to sea on an amazing-looking vessel. Dive into the sea and explore the incredible underwater world.
      =Relax on the Peaceful Island=
      Relax and enjoy playing with your kitten friends on your island. Meow!
      =Grow your Aquarium=
      Grow your aquarium with the fish that you've caught and various decorations.
      =Cute Graphics=
      You'll fall in love with Fishercat's simple yet charming art style!!


      Name The Fishercat

      Category GAMES

      Developer loadcomplete

      Version 4.1.2

      Update 2024/04/25

      Languages English

      Size 79.52 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need



      1542 Ratings

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