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      Occupation 2

      Occupation 2

      • Sizes: 141.82 MB
      • Version: 1.44
      • Update: 2024/04/19
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      Mega Mod Mod: money + ammo + noads


      Scientists have discovered an ancient alien artifact, and they were eaten by monsters after trying to activate it.
      Try to survive in a new world filled with creatures and monsters, try to correct the scientists' mistake!

      • Classic First and Third person PC action game for mobiles

      • Big Open 3D World and complete freedom of action

      • Day/Night cycle

      • A lot of missions

      • Many different types of monsters, zombies and creatures

      • Arms dealers, mercenaries, hostages, portals, doors with locks, inventory

      • Additional endless game mode (unlocked after all missions are done)

      • Auto-aim makes the objectives simpler!

      • VR Headsets support, hardware input support - gamepads, keyboards

      If you see a black screen instead of running game, turn on a permission to allow reading a game cache file!

      Thank You for downloading!


      Name Occupation 2

      Category GAMES


      Version 1.44

      Update 2024/04/19

      Languages English

      Size 141.82 MB

      Compatibility Android 5.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      App Screenshot

      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2
      Occupation 2



      660 Ratings

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