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      Idling to Rule the Gods

      Idling to Rule the Gods

      • Sizes: 41.61 MB
      • Version: 2.28
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

      Modified Description

      - 无限神力 - 无限LuckyDraws
      - 无限药
      - 无限神液 - 无限BaalPower
      - 巨大创造奖金乘数
      - 巨大建筑奖金乘数
      - 所有宠物解锁
      - 无限宠物食品 - 无限糖果


      In the year 9001, humans destroyed all habitable planets in the known universe. On the last planet, they managed to create a space dimension device. With this device, they were able to travel to a different dimension. The world of Idling to Rule the Gods.
      In the first habitable planet they found, they noticed the world works different than the known universe. It is ruled by gods. Soon after, Hyperion, the first god found the humans and fought them. After a long lasting fight, all humans but you – the player – died. While surviving the whole time, you developed your own special ability: to create shadow clones.

      The game starts here.
      You create shadow clones, they train, learn skills and fight monsters for you, while you absorb their power until you are powerful enough to beat the first god “Hyperion”. After beating Hyperion, you find many, much stronger gods. To be able to defeat all of them, you must find various ways to become more powerful. You rebirth, create your own monuments, train pets and fight ultimate beings.

      Let the numbers go up, become the strongest god in the universe!


      Name Idling to Rule the Gods

      Category GAMES

      Developer shugasu ug

      Version 2.28

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 41.61 MB

      Root Needed No Need



      400 Ratings

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