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      Richman 4 fun

      Richman 4 fun

      • Sizes: 115.72 MB
      • Version: 4.1
      • Update: 2024/04/17
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun

      Modified Description



      Enjoy classic monopoly game play in Richman 4 fun's world where you can use your business strategies to be one of the millionaires building your own world.

      ● Lots of different cards to build different strategies.
      ● Amusing character with unique character voices
      ● Beware of the gods! Get possessed by Fortune Gods which will help you build, earn more rent or pay less rent, but avoid Misfortune Gods along the way!
      ● 3 built-in mini games: Coin Catching, God Shooting, Hiding Rabbit, earn points to purchase cards within these mini games! Practice these mini games anytime in the Playground on the main screen.
      ● Invest you funds in the stock market as a quick way to get rich!


      Name Richman 4 fun

      Category GAMES


      Version 4.1

      Update 2024/04/17

      Languages English

      Size 115.72 MB

      Compatibility Android 7.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun
      Richman 4 fun



      285 Ratings

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