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      Bus Simulator Indonesia

      Bus Simulator Indonesia

      • Sizes: 26.96 MB
      • Version: 2.9.2
      • Update: 2024/05/16
      Install by Panda Helper

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      Bus Simulator Indonesia
      Bus Simulator Indonesia

      Modified Description

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      Bus Simulator Indonesia (aka BUSSID) will let you experience what it likes being a bus driver in Indonesia in a fun and authentic way. BUSSID might not be the first one, but it's probably one of the only bus simulator games with the most features and the most authentic Indonesian environment.

      Below are some of Bus Simulator Indonesia top features:

      - Design your own livery
      - Very easy and intuitive control
      - Authentic Indonesian cities and places
      - Indonesian Buses
      - Cool and fun honks
      - “Om Telolet Om!” (Uncle, honk your horn, uncle!
      - High quality and detailed 3D graphics
      - No obstructive ads while driving
      - Leaderboard
      - Data saved online
      - Use your own 3D model using vehicle mod system
      - Online multiplayer convoy

      With the release of Bus Simulator Indonesia in 2017, this is only the beginning, we have been and will always be updating the game and improving players experience. So, what are you waiting for? Download and play game Bus Simulator Indonesia now!

      Emoji icons provided free by


      Name Bus Simulator Indonesia

      Category GAMES

      Developer maleo

      Version 2.9.2

      Update 2024/05/16

      Languages English

      Size 26.96 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.2+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Bus Simulator Indonesia
      Bus Simulator Indonesia



      1150 Ratings

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