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      Meteorfall: Journeys

      Meteorfall: Journeys

      • Sizes: 58.93 MB
      • Version: 1.0
      • Update: 2024/02/01
      Install by Panda Helper

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      Meteorfall: Journeys
      Meteorfall: Journeys


      Meteorfall is a deck-building roguelike.  You'll choose your class from one of four unique adventurers, and then set out with a deck consisting of some basic attack cards.  During the course of your adventure, you'll be presented with the opportunity to add powerful new cards to your deck.No adventure would be complete without slaying a few monsters that get in your way. In battle, you'll draw cards from your ability deck. Each time you draw a card, you'll be able to swipe right to play the card, or swipe left to skip a turn and regain some stamina.  Between battles, you'll venture through a variety of locations, represented by an encounter deck.  You'll encounter blacksmiths that can upgrade your cards, temples that can help you optimize your deck, and mysterious characters that will make you all sorts of bargains.The tactical strategy of combat micro-decisions mixed with the strategic element of deck-building provides a compelling and deep gameplay experience.As with all roguelikes, death is permanent. You'll earn some gems that you can use to unlock new cards, but it's back to the drawing board after that.  Start out with a new adventurer and set out on your quest once again. The good news is that Meteorfall is different every time you play - you'll encounter different locations, different enemies, and different quests. Part of the challenge is adapting to the challenging situations the game puts you in, given the cards available.Good luck hero - it's time to end the Uberlich's cycle of destruction!FEATURES+ Challenging roguelike gameplay with an easy-to-understand deck-building combat system+ Procedurally generated content - every adventure is unique+ A dozen different enemies with 7 unique bosses+ Four heroes to choose from, each with a different starting deck and unique playstyle+ Unlockable cards that can be easily earned through normal play+ Google Play integration with Leaderboards and Achievements+ Portrait orientation for casual one-handed gameplay+ No ads, timers, or other freemium shenanigans


      Name Meteorfall: Journeys

      Category GAMES

      Developer Slothwerks

      Version 1.0

      Update 2024/02/01

      Languages English

      Size 58.93 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.1+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Meteorfall: Journeys
      Meteorfall: Journeys



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