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      PowerAudio Pro Music Player

      PowerAudio Pro Music Player

      • Sizes: 18.07 MB
      • Version: 9.2.4
      • Update: 2024/04/19
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player

      Modified Description



      PowerAudio Music Player is the most powerful Music Player with a powerful equalizer packed with all the features better than any other Music Player available for your Android devices.

      PowerAudio Music Player is one of the best Music Player with a stylish design.

      Key Features of PowerAudio Music Player :-

      1. Browse songs in 6 different ways from the music player (Playlist, Genre, folder, Artist, Album and songs).

      2. Full widget support with list of songs.

      3. Play songs directly from folder inside the PowerAudio Music Player.

      4. Elegant themes are available in two sets.

      5. Create playlists as per your mood and add songs to them. 

      7. Remove short clips within PowerAudio Music Player.

      8. Can set Ringtone within the PowerAudio Music Player.

      9. 5-band equalizer with powerful bass and virtualizer with reverb settings.

      10. Play songs in a selective order by adding to the currently playing list through Add to Queue feature.

      11. Share songs that you are currently listening on social media apps.

      12. PowerAudio Music Player is available in 40 different languages (English, Hindi, German, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, Indonesian, etc.).

      13. System equaliser support is provided along with in-app equaliser within the PowerAudio Music Player.

      14. PowerAudio Music Player is designed based on the concept of material design to make the experience native for Android users.

      15. Ringtone Cutter

      16. In build Voice Assistance

      17. Audiobooks support

      18. Fastest way of song sharing without internet through nearby sharing

      Install the PowerAudio Music Player and enjoy Music like never before!

      Also, share your feedback on Google Play Store if you like the PowerAudio Music Player.

      PS: With help of PowerAudio Music Player, share your favourite Music among your friends on the social media and let your friends know what you are listening.

      PowerAudio Pro music player brings you the all new music experience. It features an easy to use interface and best in class audio quality. You can browse songs by albums, artists or playlists. PowerAudio Pro music player has a separate tab for all your favorite tracks, you can add songs to your favorites from any tab. PowerAudio Pro music player supports playlists, you can create you own playlists with the tracks you want. This music player features a powerful equalizer with BassBoost and Virtualizer. You can choose from a variety of music presets or create your custom preset.

      All features of PowerAudio Pro music player :-
      - Supports all major audio formats (mp3, m4a, wav, aac, amr, ogg etc)
      - Equalizer with various presets
      - BassBoost and Virtualizer
      - Browse songs by albums, artists, favorites or playlists
      - Multi-select
      - Custom queue
      - Add songs to favorites
      - Detects headphones (auto pause on disconnect)
      - Create your own playlists
      - Repeat or shuffle tracks
      - Set phone ringtone
      - Share media files
      - Codec details (bitrate, sample frequency, channels etc)
      - Delete songs, playlists
      - Sort songs by name or date
      - Play next option
      - Sort songs by date added
      - Sleeptimer

      Permissions :
      READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : required by PowerAudio Pro music player to find songs on storage.
      WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : required by PowerAudio Pro music player to delete or modify playlists and songs.
      INTERNET : required by PowerAudio Pro music player to check for updates.
      WAKE_LOCK : required by PowerAudio Pro music player to play music in background.
      WRITE_SETTINGS : required by PowerAudio Pro music player to set Ringtone.


      Name PowerAudio Pro Music Player

      Category APPS

      Developer PowerAudio Team

      Version 9.2.4

      Update 2024/04/19

      Languages English

      Size 18.07 MB

      Compatibility Android 4.4+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player
      PowerAudio Pro Music Player



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