Best Apps Like Panda Helper

Panda Helper Last updated: 2022-06-08

Do you want to know the best apps like Panda Helper? Panda Helper is the best third-party app store on the iOS platform, and you can download many unofficial apps in Panda Helper without jailbreak. Youtube plus plus, Spotify plus plus, Pokemon Go by ipogo, Whatsapp plus plus, Minecraft for free, etc., these apps are not available in Apple's AppStore. But you can find them all in Panda Helper. They are all up to date and 100% working.

Panda Helper is so helpful, but some users still need to find the best apps like Panda Helper, that is, Panda Helper alternatives. It is because sometimes the Panda Helper free version is not available. Users need to pay for the Panda Helper VIP version first.

However, the reality is that while the Panda Helper free version is not available, most alternatives are not free to download too. They have either shut down the free download entry or have to pay for the paid version.

Here I will recommend some Panda Helper alternatives.

Content Summary

Free Panda Helper Alternatives

10 Best Apps Like Panda Helper

Free Panda Helper Alternatives

Are there free Panda Helper alternatives? Before answering this question, we need to know why these third-party Appstore can install unofficial apps on iPhones and iPad that do not require jailbreaking. 

Panda Helper has a free version and a VIP version. Both versions use a sideload technology to sign the unofficial apps so that users can install them without jailbreak. The difference is that the free version uses common certificates to sign apps while the VIP version uses super certificates. The common certificate allows multiple users to use it simultaneously, but it is easier to be revoked by Apple. After revoked, the apps that use this certificate will flashback. The super certificate limits the number of simultaneous users, which is less risky.

Apple revokes common certificates much more often than Super certificates. As a result, the common certificates are scarce, so the free version is often unusable.

Many Panda Helper alternatives are free because they use common certificates only. They don't have the technology to use super certificates to sign apps. If the common certificates are revoked and can't get a new one, these third-party app stores and the apps they provide are not available. 

Some Panda Helper alternatives have paid version, which is also signed by super certificates.

So there are free Panda Helper alternatives, but these app stores will become unavailable due to the lack of common certificates.

10 Best Apps Like Panda Helper

I've listed the 10 best apps, like Panda Helper, available in 2022. Some only have a free version; others have a free version and VIP just as Panda Helper.

1. iOSGods


iOSGods is a community that integrates app stores, forums, tools, and tutorials. It was launched in 2015. Many iOS modded developers also publish their tweaked apps on iOSGods forums. Therefore, regardless of whether your phone is jailbroken, downloading will cost $34.99/for 3months. iOSGods also has a built-in super certificate service.


Jailbroken User: $34.99/3months.

Non-jailbroken User: $34.99/3months add $2/month super certificate usage fee.

Pros. You can find unpopular apps or tweaked apps on iOSGods, and you can also get app updates as soon as possible.

Cons. High price. And it is not easy to find apps.

2. Tongbu tui


Tongbu tui is a famous third-party AppStore that was launched in 2011. As a veteran, the number of apps in Tongbu tui is enormous, and the technology is also very mature. It is very convenient to download and update apps in Tongbu tui, and you don't need to find resources in the forum yourself. The customer service is speedy in answering questions.


VIP: CNY99/month; VIP service includes using the super certificate and downloading the apps within Tongbu tui.

Pros. Enormous app resources, good service. 

Cons. No US dollar settlement, only support WeChat and Alipay payment.

3. Signulous


Signulous is a code signing platform for iOS users. You can upload and sign apps on Signulous or download many apps from the app library. Signulous use the super certificate technology, so you need to purchase a year certificate service first.


iOS Code Signing $19.99/year.

Pros. The price is low. If you only need to sign up for a small number of apps, this is a good deal to use.

Cons. There are not many apps; you need to find the app installation package yourself.

4. Tutuapp

TutuApp is a third-party app store for Android and iOS (iPhone/iPad). Although it hasn't focused on the app store in recent years, plenty of apps are still available for download. It is popularly known for its Pokemon Go modified version.

Price: CNY149/year.

Pros. Very cheap.

Cons. No US dollar settlement, only support WeChat and Alipay payment. 

5. Eonhub


Among the many third-party app stores, Eonhub is in the middle. It has a fair amount of tweaked apps and built-in super certificate technology and is less expensive. There are many ads on the site, so you need to be careful when visiting.

Price: $11.99/year

Pros. Very cheap.

Cons. If Apple revokes the super certificate, users need to pay $11.99 again.

6. Appdb


Appdb is the latest online platform that downloads and sideloads cracked games and apps for free. They are available for iOS, macOS, and Apple TV. You can unlock the apps and utilize them without jailbreaking your phone or pad through this third-party store.

Price: EUR21.99/year

Pros. Appdb supports MacOS and AppleTV, and appDB can be paid by Bitcoin. 

Cons. After Apple revokes a certificate, it takes time to replace a new certificate.

7. Tutubox


TutuBox was developed by the Appvalley team, so it has a lot of experience developing an app store. The best thing about using the TutuBox is that it is super easy to set up and use, and it does not require much technical knowledge or complicated installation processes to run it. 

Price: $8.99/month

Pros. The price is low.

Cons. Tutu uses Signulous' signature service and does not have its technology to sign apps by super certificates. So some risks are out of control.

8. BuildStore


BuildStore has been in operation since 2013 and is a long-standing third-party app store. BuildStore offers app downloads and some old gaming emulators, and much more.

Price: $19.99/month

Pros. App updates are frequent.

Cons. Many apps in BuildStore cannot be installed. Although the "Install" button is active when clicked, it doesn't work.  

9. IpaApps Store


IpaApps Store is a small third-party app store with a limited number of apps. It only focuses on some popular apps. Its site is also relatively simple and can be accessed directly with Safari rather than a PC.

Price: Free

Pros. The site is straightforward, and you can see popular apps when you open it.

Cons. Too many ads, and the download experience is not very good

10. Scarlet


Scarlet is an alternative store for Apple devices that allows you to install and find apps and games that are not usually found or paid for in the official store. Scalet offers a repo system for all users that supports jailbreak repos, and jailed users can make use of some features added to the side.

Price: Free

Pros. Scarlet offers a new community for developers to submit their paid apps and allow users to seamlessly protect themselves from revokes.

Cons. Too many ads and the download experience is not very good.