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      Mod tham quan GOLF mini

      Mod tham quan GOLF mini

      • kích thước: 162.68 MB
      • Phiên bản:
      • Cập nhật: 2024/02/01
      Cài đặt bởi Panda Helper

      Ảnh chụp màn hình ứng dụng

      Mod tham quan GOLF mini

      Mô tả đã sửa đổi

      1. Vàng không giới hạn 2. Kim cương không giới hạn *hãy sử dụng chúng ngay cả khi không có đủ

      Mô tả

      ★ Mini GOLF Tour is here for you! ★This is a new game that will bring you the experience of real minigolf games.Mini golf, also known as minigolf, mini-putt, or putt-putt, is a sports game in which participants compete by shooting a small ball into special holes with putters. The goal of the game is to cover the allotted distance in the minimum number of strokes.Do you like sports and outdoor activities? Then this golf clash is perfect for you! Try to complete dozens of challenging levels and show everyone who is the best in minigolf!FEATURES️⛳️ Easy controls and simple gameplay.️⛳️ Compete with other players to be the champion.️⛳️ Unlock 6 amazing tours with challenging obstacles.️⛳️ Customize your ball, trail and hole effect for unique playing experience.️⛳️ Collect rewards for faster progress.️⛳️ Stunning 3D graphics and effects.Discover and try out all the awesome minigolf tracks! Compete and earn coins and gems to unlock all the collectibles in chests. Challenge other players to become the ultimate champion of a real golf clash!There are many minigolf games, but none of them are like this golf blitz. Amazing 3D graphics and sound effects make this game a gem among other minigolf games. Once you try to play and you won’t stop.Get a completely new experience with this exciting golf blitz! You do not need special skills to begin. Try and win a golf clash with other players!Just download the Mini GOLF Tour and be the champion!

      Thông tin

      Họ tên Mod tham quan GOLF mini

      Phân loại GAME

      Nhà phát triển THỂ THAO INLOGIC - bóng đá quần vợt chơi gôn

      phiên bản

      Cập nhật 2024/02/01

      Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh

      Kích thước máy 162.68 MB

      Khả năng tương thích Android 6.0 +

      gốc cần thiết Không cần

      Thông tin Hack Hành trình Angry Birds

      Mod tham quan GOLF mini

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