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      Gun Gang Mod

      Gun Gang Mod

      • kích thước: 151.69 MB
      • Phiên bản: 3.16.0
      • Cập nhật: 2024/01/31
      Cài đặt bởi Panda Helper

      Ảnh chụp màn hình ứng dụng

      Mô tả đã sửa đổi


      Mô tả

      Get ready for this epic gang runner race! Remember - TOGETHER WE STAND!Start running by yourself, shoot 3D obstactles and collect other shooters on your way, grow your crowd and get a massive shooting gang! No rush! Move forward and lead your Gun Gang through the obstacle course. Plan your strategy on the run and clash as many as possible!Gun Gang 3D is the best survival game; gun shooting, running, fighting all excitement in one game. Show your friends how far you've gone in this epic survival game! Dodge wrecking balls, trash containers, sand piles, and all kinds of obstacles, and be sure to cross the finish line with a huuuuge gang!LOAD YOUR GUNS, DOUBLE CHECK YOUR TRIGGER FOR FINAL CLASH!Get your shooters in line, they use their snipers to help you reach the end gate. Now it’s time to pull the trigger! For the survival of your people, shoot down the robbers in the ultimate battle, and don't let them escape with the helicopter!HOW TO PLAY◉ CLASH friends as then join you◉ SHOOT obstacles in the crowd◉ CRUSH gold bars◉ LOAD your guns◉ FIGHT against robbers◉ SHOOT 'em all!FEATURES◉ Free and easy to play◉ Gang warfare free city game◉ Incredible amount of unique levels◉ Dangerous obstacles and full of roadblocks◉ Aesthetically pleasing 3D games graphics◉ Smooth as butter game controls◉ Sniper 3D experience, Joyful bullet hell and explosions and gun shotting◉ Lots of rewards and giftsDo you have crazy sniper 3D tactics and the courage to make your gang win all the races and battles?!Download Gun Gang now and show them how you rule the city!

      Thông tin

      Họ tên Gun Gang Mod

      Phân loại GAME

      Nhà phát triển Zynga

      phiên bản 3.16.0

      Cập nhật 2024/01/31

      Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh

      Kích thước máy 151.69 MB

      Khả năng tương thích Android 5.0 +

      gốc cần thiết Không cần

      Thông tin Hack Hành trình Angry Birds

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      484 Đánh giá

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