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      Em Bé Sinh Đôi - Chăm Sóc Trẻ Sơ Sinh

      Em Bé Sinh Đôi - Chăm Sóc Trẻ Sơ Sinh

      • kích thước: 60.23 MB
      • Phiên bản: 1.0.0
      • Cập nhật: 2024/02/02
      Cài đặt bởi Panda Helper

      Mô tả đã sửa đổi

      Đã mở khóa/Không có quảng cáo

      Mô tả

      Why are baby games so fun? Because who doesn't love playing with and taking care of babies?! But out of all baby games, we think you'll especially love this one. You get to take care of the cutest, wildest baby twins ever! Sure, these babies are a handful and love to get into trouble, but they're also tons of fun! Dress up your twins in adorable clothes, feed them yummy snacks, care for them at the doctor & so much more!

      Play silly baby games, enjoy coloring pages & solve puzzles with your favorite twins! There's so much to do with your silly twins! Get ready for double the trouble, double the fun! Baby games have never been so adorable or silly!

      Tính năng, đặc điểm:
      > Dress up your babies in adorable matching outfits!
      > Design unique clothing & accessories for your baby wins!
      > Decorate your babies' bedroom! Build cribs, chose room decorations & more!
      > Feed & care for your baby twins yummy snack! Don't make a mess!
      > Give your babies a warm bubble bath!
      > Doctor Care - check your twins' throats, give them medicine & help your babies feel better!
      > Paint, play & solve puzzles with your hilarious baby twins!
      > Tuck your twins into bed - good night, silly twins!

      Thông tin

      Họ tên Em Bé Sinh Đôi - Chăm Sóc Trẻ Sơ Sinh

      Phân loại GAME

      Nhà phát triển truyện ngắn

      phiên bản 1.0.0

      Cập nhật 2024/02/02

      Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh

      Kích thước máy 60.23 MB

      Khả năng tương thích Android 4.1 +

      gốc cần thiết Không cần

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      1028 Đánh giá

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