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      The Horus Heresy: Legions – TCG card battle game

      The Horus Heresy: Legions – TCG card battle game

      • kích thước: 86.56 MB
      • Phiên bản: 1.4.4
      • Cập nhật: 2024/02/01
      Cài đặt bởi Panda Helper

      Mô tả đã sửa đổi

      Many coins and gems

      Mô tả

      Chọn Quân đoàn của bạn, xây dựng bộ bài của bạn và chiến đấu để trở thành Warmaster huyền thoại! Thu thập các nhân vật yêu thích của bạn từ The Horus Heresy, một bối cảnh quan trọng của vũ trụ Warhammer 40,000, và chiến đấu trong các trận đấu nhanh và tàn bạo. Một trò chơi thẻ bài hoành tráng (TCG / CCG) với bộ sưu tập ngày càng nhiều hơn 1000 thẻ!

      Create a warrior lodge with your friends, discuss deck building, tactics and strategy, and fight in PvP card battles. Choose a side in faction-based card wars that determine which new cards are added to the game. The fate of the Galaxy is in your hands – become a legend!

      THE HORUS HERESY CARD WARS: Discover The Horus Heresy, one of the richest settings in the Warhammer 40,000 universe by Games Workshop, for the first time as an online TCG / CCG card game. The legendary forces of Ultramarines, Space Wolves and Blood Angels fight against the traitor Legions of the Warmaster. Hordes of Daemons, once dismissed as mere tales and legends, come forth and slay billions of innocent lives. Play an epic solo campaign, ranked PvP, multiplayer card wars and PvE raids based on battles, stories and legends from the Black Library novels about the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

      CARD COMBAT AND DECK BUILDING: Join epic card wars as new Legions from the Warhammer 40,000 lore are added. Play as the Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Blood Angels and many other legendary Warhammer 40,000 factions, each featuring distinct card combat styles and unique abilities to slay their enemies. The card wars and deck building challenges keep growing as new cards are released!

      TRUE CARD COMBAT SKILL: Battle in ranked or friendly PvP card wars to prove your card combat and deck building skills. Master the Sealed Deck format, where only tactics and skill determine the outcome of your card combat. Build your best deck and slay the enemy troops before they slay yours. Become a legend!

      GUILD WARS: Coordinate with your warrior lodge in epic PvP Arena card battles that determine the evolution of this TCG / CCG strategy card game. Show your knowledge of TCG / CCG games and deck building tips, and try your deck in friendly card duels. Battle other guilds and grow your card collection. Create your own legends!

      The Horus Heresy, the legendary background of Warhammer 40,000, now as an online strategy card game (TCG / CCG).

      The Horus Heresy: Legions © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020. The Horus Heresy, The Horus Heresy Eye logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila' Double-headed Eagle logo, Citadel, Black Library, Forge World, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under license. All rights reserved to their respective owners.

      Thông tin

      Họ tên The Horus Heresy: Legions – TCG card battle game

      Phân loại GAME

      Nhà phát triển everguild ltd

      phiên bản 1.4.4

      Cập nhật 2024/02/01

      Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh

      Kích thước máy 86.56 MB

      Khả năng tương thích Android 4.1 +

      gốc cần thiết Không cần

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      1255 Đánh giá

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