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      Hộp bắn nát nồi

      Hộp bắn nát nồi

      • kích thước: 44.07 MB
      • Phiên bản: 1.1.9
      • Cập nhật: 2024/04/25
      Cài đặt bởi Panda Helper

      Mô tả đã sửa đổi

      Mod ● A Lot Of Diamond. ● All Cannon Unlocked. ● All Ambiances Unlocked. ● All Bomb Unlocked. ● Remove Ads.

      Mô tả

      Pot Shot is a casual type of game. The game has a beautiful and concise design style, rich level content, and players can use the cannon to launch as much as possible to smash objects on the table for getting a high mark! Unlock all kinds of cannons through a couple of clearance of the quests. Each cannon has different shapes and shells, and can also unlock powerful skills, such as the laser, black hole, continuous shooting, etc.

      - Skill system:
      Diamonds obtained through level victory can be used to unlock five different effects of skills; The power of the skill is more potent than ordinary bullets;
      - Cannon system:
      Diamonds can unlock more than 15 kinds of cannons which have different styles; players can choose to use before entering the level;
      - Level system:
      More than 150 types of standards levels can be cleared through different strategic dimensions;
      - Collection system:
      You can collect the corresponding level Illustration after clearing the specific BOSS level;
      - Scene system:
      Players can use diamonds unlock 12 elegant scenes, and use any scene you want in any level;
      - Lucky award:
      After each level upgrade, players can have an opportunity to get the lucky prize; Lucky people even can get ten times higher diamond rewards.

      Let us know and leave some comments if you like this game O(∩_∩)O

      Thông tin

      Họ tên Hộp bắn nát nồi

      Phân loại GAME

      Nhà phát triển penguins studio

      phiên bản 1.1.9

      Cập nhật 2024/04/25

      Ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh

      Kích thước máy 44.07 MB

      Khả năng tương thích Android 4.1 +

      gốc cần thiết Không cần

      Xêp hạng


      1907 Đánh giá

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