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      Estrelas do futebol

      Estrelas do futebol

      • Tamanhos: 56.53 MB
      • Versão: 5.0.1
      • Update: 2024/02/01
      Instalar por Panda Helper

      Descrição modificada

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      O Soccer Stars traz a ação para o campo de futebol! Um jogo multiplayer para jogar com amigos, cheio de novos recursos e jogabilidade viciante.

      Vá para o campo de futebol, jogue contra os melhores clubes de futebol do mundo e ganhe a copa do mundo, enquanto desafia seus amigos neste jogo multiplayer online e offline de 5 estrelas.


      • Jogo multijogador online e offline
      • Jogabilidade simples e divertido
      • Física de bola incrível
      • Torneios online contra jogadores de todo o mundo
      • Multijogador - Desafie e jogue contra seus amigos
      • Colete diferentes times e copas

      Kick hard, but kick smart. Pass the ball to your best players, challenge your friends and use the multiplayer feature, take on the best teams in the world. Be strong and kick that penalty kick just right, this is your game and the world cup is yours to win. Get that perfect kick!

      Seja lendário! Você tem o que é preciso para vencer a Copa do Mundo ??

      The best Soccer Stars experience with every new update. We bring the football and multiplayer experience together with beautiful animations so you are at the top of your skills when playing your best soccer. Get ready to kick! Let's turn you into a champion in this world cup.

      This is flick soccer! Take to the football field and train hard to be at the top of your game. Flick right and left to score that perfect flick goal. Check all angles, concentrate, anticipate the other team's moves in the football pitch. Your flick strategy will take you further than you ever imagined.
      Don't forget to block your opponent's visibility so you can score that perfect flick goal!

      Play against any club or national team in the soccer world cup. It's you and your best flick football moves against the very best in the world. Work your way through all of your friends in this multiplayer game and be the champion!

      Com jogabilidade simples e ótima física, Soccer Stars é fácil de aprender e divertido de jogar! No verdadeiro estilo competitivo, desafie seus adversários em todo o mundo para partidas de futebol de mesa online!

      Compete in different tiers, from different countries! Play online against people from all over the world or against your friends! Login with your Facebook account and challenge your friends to show them what it means to be a Soccer Legend and take the cup home! Oh, and you can also play offline against a friend on the same device!

      You can also customize your Soccer Stars experience by collecting the different teams! Show off your style and defend your nation's colors!

      What are you waiting for? Everyone else is already playing Soccer Stars! Don't miss out on this chance to have tons of fun!

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      Dados Pessoais

      Nome Estrelas do futebol

      Categoria JOGOS

      Developer miniclip com

      Versão 5.0.1

      Atualizar 2024/02/01

      Idiomas Inglês

      Tamanho 56.53 MB

      Compatibilidade Android 4.4+

      Raiz Necessária Não há necessidade



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