Penelusuran Ngetren


      Batal Semua
      Mode Rambut

      Mode Rambut

      • ukuran:
      • Versi:
      • Update: 2024/04/25
      Instal oleh Panda Helper

      Deskripsi Produk

      Did you ever imagine of being a hairdresser? Trim, grow, style, dye... Well, we need one right now! If you're talented, prove it to the world. You see, we got a lot of guests with diverse hair requests, long or short, curly or straight, purple or pink... And you will be the one to give them the haircut of their dreams! When the work of the day is finished, you can come to design your own hairstyles in free mode, as practice makes perfect. Dadada... Now take pictures of your designs, and put them on the photo wall. They'll definitely be your sweet memory.

      Cara bermain:
      Open the game and tap the PLAY button to start. Let's first try the Copy Mode, choose the first task in it, remember the guest's request, and then click "Next". Now, your work begins. After washing the hair, her ideal hairstyle will come into your sight, watch the picture carefully and follow it. You got a dozen of tools to style, scissor, curling irons, and so much more. When everything is complete, click "Done" and your work will be graded. Serving guests might be tiring, why not try the free mode, in which you can design the model the way you like. Dye the hair with colors that you have no courage to try in real life, it's all up to you. Here, all you have to do is release your imagination.

      - Challenge your styling skills with 18 tasks
      - Have fun with dozens of tools and accessories
      - Exploit your potential in the fun-filled free mode
      - Show your fine designs on the photo wall
      - Grade your work with a brand new rating system

      Tentang Libii Game:
      Dengan lebih dari 400 juta unduhan dan terus bertambah, Libii berkomitmen untuk membuat game inovatif untuk anak-anak. Kami akan terus berupaya membangun hubungan yang baik dengan kedua orang tua dan anak-anak mereka serta menghadirkan suasana yang sehat dan bahagia bagi mereka.
      Kunjungi kami:
      Seperti kami:
      Hubungi kami:
      Punya ide? Saran? Butuh dukungan teknis? Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami 24/7 di

      Perlu Anda Ketahui:
      Aplikasi ini benar-benar gratis untuk diunduh dan dimainkan, beberapa item dasar juga gratis untuk digunakan, tetapi beberapa item tambahan mengharuskan Anda membeli dan membayar untuk membuka kunci. Karena itu, jika Anda tidak ingin menggunakan barang-barang ini, harap matikan pembelian dalam aplikasi di pengaturan Anda. Terima kasih.


      Nama Mode Rambut

      Kategori GAMES

      Pengembang libii

      Memperbarui 2024/04/25

      Bahasa Inggris

      Dibutuhkan Root Tidak dibutuhkan



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