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      Casa de juegos Kid-E-Cats

      Casa de juegos Kid-E-Cats

      • Tamaños: 79.35 MB
      • Versión: 1.9.9
      • Actualizar: 2024/04/25
      Instalar por Panda Helper

      Descripción modificada

      Create your own games and plots


      Welcome to the kitten's house!

      Entertaining kids game for boys and girls with funny characters from famous cartoon Kid-E-Cats.

      We've built you four floors of fun – Daddy's Office, the Kittens' Bedroom, the Kitchen, the Living Room, Mommy's Office, the Basement, the Attic Exercise Room, and more – where you can play and have fun with your favorite characters. Look closely! Every room is full of hidden surprises. Peek in the closet and the dresser, the refrigerator and the pantry. You can investigate anything you want. Dress the kittens in different outfits, think of games and stories for them and record your own cartoons and share them with friends all over the world.

      Funciones y capacidades:

      • a game based on an educational cartoon Kid-E-Cats;
      • easy controls for the youngest fans;
      • stimulates children's imagination and helps them learn;
      • more than 20 unique characters;

      Let's play free funny game with cute kittens.


      Nombre Casa de juegos Kid-E-Cats

      Categoría JUEGOS

      Developer metrafilms studio llc

      Versión 1.9.9

      Actualizar 2024/04/25

      Idiomas Inglés

      Tamaño 79.35 MB

      Compatibilidad Android 6.0 +

      Raíz necesaria No hay necesidad



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