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      Partidario de los audiolibros de LibriVox

      Partidario de los audiolibros de LibriVox

      • Tamaños: 5.43 MB
      • Versión: 9.6.8
      • Actualizar: 2024/04/19
      Instalar por Panda Helper

      Captura de pantalla de la aplicación

      Descripción modificada

      27,000+ libros gratis.
      Reproducción de velocidad variable.
      Búsqueda, marcadores y temporizador de apagado.
      Compatibilidad con Android Auto y ChromeCast.
      Sin anuncios.


      LibriVox Audio Books Supporter offers unlimited access to over 24,000 free audio books - with no ads. Each LibriVox audio book can be streamed over the internet or downloaded for later use without any charge. The LibriVox Audio Books app includes listings for new recordings, featuring classic best sellers and out of print treasures.

      The LibriVox audio book app makes it easy to find the book you want. You can see the most popular books, browse by title, author or genre, look at new recordings, or search by keyword. You can even find books read by a favorite narrator. This app allows you to stop playback with a sleep timer, and unlimited bookmarks are available for each book. You can save and listen to as many books as you like. Access to the LibriVox collection, thousands of old time radio dramas, and many other collections is entirely free.

      With full support for bluetooth controls as well as Android Auto and Google Cast, LibriVox Audio Books makes it easy to take your books with you wherever you go. Lists of favorites, recent books, and downloaded books make it easy to pick back up just where you left off.

      Audio books from LibriVox are free thanks to the dedicated work of hundreds of volunteers who record, edit and distribute the books. New releases are prepared daily, and the entire catalog spans the breadth of world literature, including novels, history, biography, short stories, poetry and more in both fiction and non-fiction. US users can purchase an additional 75,000 professional audiobooks, including new releases and best sellers.


      Nombre Partidario de los audiolibros de LibriVox

      Categoría APLICACIONES

      Developer LibroDiseño

      Versión 9.6.8

      Actualizar 2024/04/19

      Idiomas Inglés

      Tamaño 5.43 MB

      Compatibilidad Android 4.1 +

      Raíz necesaria No hay necesidad

      Hack de viaje de Angry Birds Información



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      • Escanea el código QR en tu iPhone/iPad
      • Copie el enlace a continuación y ábralo en Safari en su iPhone/iPad
      * Safari solamente. Otros navegadores no pueden obtener información del dispositivo
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