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      My Town: Stores - Doll house & Dress up Girls Game

      My Town: Stores - Doll house & Dress up Girls Game

      • Velikosti: 52.10 MB
      • Verze: 1.00
      • aktualizace: 2024/02/01
      Instalovat podle Panda Helper

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      The perfect doll house for girls who are into fashion and love to dress up

      A new mall with exciting new stores has opened in My Town! Imagine all the stories your children can create with more than 6 different stores to explore and whole new set of character to dress up and befriend. Find the latest fashions in our clothing store and dress up before you go shopping, get a sweet treat in the candy store or pick up ingredients for tonight's dinner in the supermarket. My Town : Stores is a digital doll house providing hours of education and interactive entertainment for girls aged 4 - 12. With no time limits or high scores to achieve, the only limit in My Town girls games is your own creativity!

      A game for girls with playful imagination to experience their own shop in a mall.

      My Town : Doll House Features
      *6 stores to explore including a huge supermarket with over 67 items to buy, play or eat, a candy store where you can make popcorn, pick up some gum and find ALL the sweets you can possibly imagine, a clothing store to dress up the family in 87 of the most fashionable looks and even a food truck!
      *New characters to play, dress and style
      *Let your favorite My Town characters join the fun and transfer them from other My Town Girls Games
      *The perfect game for girls aged 4 to 12

      Doporučená věková skupina
      Girls 4-12: My Town games are safe for children to play even when parents or other family members are out of the room. The doll houses are specifically developed for children and provide a imaginative and safe environment.

      O mém městě
      Studio My Town Games navrhuje digitální hry s domečkem pro panenky, které podporují kreativitu a hru s otevřeným koncem pro vaše děti po celém světě. Hry My Town, které milují děti i rodiče, představují prostředí a zážitky pro hodiny nápadité hry. Společnost má pobočky v Izraeli, Španělsku, Rumunsku a na Filipínách. Více informací naleznete na


      Příjmení My Town: Stores - Doll house & Dress up Girls Game

      Kategorie HRY

      Vývojka my city games spol

      Verze 1.00

      Aktualizace 2024/02/01

      Jazyky angličtina

      Velikost 52.10 MB

      Kompatibilita Android 4.4 +

      Potřebný kořen Není třeba



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