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      Thumb Drift — Fast & Furious Car Drifting Game

      Thumb Drift — Fast & Furious Car Drifting Game

      • Velikosti: 66.65 MB
      • Verze: 1.4.995
      • aktualizace: 2024/04/19
      Instalovat podle Panda Helper

      Screenshot aplikace

      Upravený popis

      Mod Peníze


      !!Over 12 million downloads!! Thanks to all the Thumb Drifters out there.

      Note: There are 2 types of cars. Cars which you can pay to unlock or get for free.
      [?] secret cars which you can ONLY unlock by performing certain actions.

      Whether you know how to drift or not, you’ll enjoy sliding sideways around the corners to compete for the highest score.

      - Over 100 fully unlicensed cars to unlock + more to come
      - Simple one thumb controls
      - Addictive drifting gameplay
      - Original soundtrack with 6 pumping tunes
      - 6 different tracks to race on each with a unique feel
      - Challenge your friends for the top score
      - Cutting edge, flat shaded, low poly graphics
      - Groundbreaking Carticle™ Technology

      - Rice Pirate (Newest!)
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      - Hoovivan (Maximum Driftcast) (Newest!)
      - Bulletproof Automotives Kamikazi GTR (Newest!)
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      - Rooster Teeth (New!)
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      - Zen Garage
      - Domestic Mango
      - Street Driven
      - Bulletproof Automotive
      - King of Nations
      - Yasid Design
      - Shock Mansion
      - Drift All Stars
      - The Slap Train
      - Saudi Gamer
      - OMGDrift
      - Black Panthaa
      - AR12

      * 0-50: L plater
      * 51-99: Sunday Driver
      * 100-199: Training Wheels
      * 200-299: Gettin’ Sideways
      * 300-399: You feel the need for speed
      * 400-499: You’re in the red
      * 500-599: Flat out!
      * 600+: You live your life a quarter mile at a time! Dom will be proud

      Got a car we should add to the livery? Get in touch!

      * Údaje o oprávnění *
      Note: The game will require access to photos, media and files on your device. This is only used to cache the advertising in game and to allow the sharing of custom screenshots taken in game.


      Příjmení Thumb Drift — Fast & Furious Car Drifting Game

      Kategorie HRY

      Vývojka SMG Studio

      Verze 1.4.995

      Aktualizace 2024/04/19

      Jazyky angličtina

      Velikost 66.65 MB

      Kompatibilita Android 4.2 +

      Potřebný kořen Není třeba

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